Radical Self-care – The Secret to Living a Creative Life

The secret to living a creative life is this: The more time and energy you invest in radical self-care the more creative you will be, the more connected to your family. You will be happier and more productive as you operate from a state of ease and grace.

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Quick dose of Inspiration

Every so often, you are lucky enough to come across a truly motivating and inspiring piece of content. I have sent this Zen Pencils comic to everyone I know. Today, I want to share it with you.

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The Life-changing Games of the “Hype-man”

"Have you ever, in your entire life, experienced unconditional, unwavering support?" What would you try/explore/invent/create if you had a network of people who hyped-up and supported you?

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Internet Networking Tips for Parents

Building relationships and networking is especially important for parents. This goes back to the old adage that it takes a village to raise a child. The Internet and computers allows for communicating with a wide variety of people from all over the world

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Top 11 Creative Truths

Today I wanted to share a few quick thoughts on what I feel are some creative truths. I hope some of them will resonate with you.

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Embracing the Creativity In Poetry – So Your Kids Can Too!

How do you encourage your kids to embrace poetry if you never learned to enjoy it yourself?

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“Yes and…” The Open Doorway to Creativity

How can two little words from an open doorway? Think about it this way - how many times have you been brought up short in your life with the phrase “Yes, but?” Children hear this phrase everyday. While it seems like harmless words, the meaning behind them is very clear. Don’t be creative, Don’t dream, Don’t question.

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Art Through the Eyes of a Child – Aelita Andre

Aelita started painting when she was just one years old. At four years old she had gallery shows in New York and her paintings have sold for thousands of dollars.

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Deliberate Practice – Take Home Lessons from a Sean Ashby Guitar Workshop

The value of Deliberate Practice with Sean Ashby - one of Canada’s most talented guitar players.

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